
Academic Qualifications

Bachelor degree (BA Hons) in German & European Studies from the University of Kent, UK


6-year Masters degree (Magister Artium- M.A.) in Special Education majoring in speech therapy (Sprachheilpädagogik)* with minor subjects: developmental psychology and English linguistics, from Ludwig-Maximillians-University, Munich.

Thesis: A comparison of the speech therapy professions in the USA and Germany

 *Recognition as an academic speech therapist by the German association of academic speech therapists in Germany (www.dbs-ev.de)


Additional qualifications / certificates speech therapy:


Early intervention certificate (Zollinger) – Discovering speech: Development, challenges, early diagnosis and therapy ('Die Entdeckung der Sprache: Entwicklung, Auffälligkeiten, frühe Erfassung und Therapie' (Deutsche Akademie für Entwicklungsförderung und Gesundheit des kindes und Jungendlichen)

Early diagnostics and prevention of speech developmental disorders certificate (Frühdiagnostik und Prävention von Sprachentwicklungsstörungen). Zentrum für Spracherwerbs- und Sprachtherapieforschung, München)

Certificate: Interdisciplinary early intervention (Interdisziplinäre Frühförderung: Kindzentrierte Ansätze, Diagnostik in der Frühförderung, Interdisziplinäre Frühförderung, Kooperation Eltern-Fachleute)(LMU)

Sensory integration concept for speech therapy (Sensorisch-integratives Logopädie-Konzept). Loguan.

Multilingualism in speech therapy: From Late Talker to speech developmental disorder. Logomania.

Seeing Stars: Symbol Imagery for Phonological and Orthographic Processing in Reading and Spelling. Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes

Academic dyslexia therapist: fundamentals, diagnostic and therapy of reading and writing disorders (
Akademische Lese-Rechtschreibtherapeutin dbs: Grundlagen, Diagnostik und Therapie bei LRS). DBS

Brain and personality: Healing through the therapeutic relationship (4. Toelzer Hirntage, 2007)

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